Why I started trading | Tackle Trading

Tackle Trading
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


Why I became a trader or I am Batman or Batman is a trader.

We’ve all heard the story before. A young man or women graduates college, gets a good job, works hard his or her whole life. They go through promotions and transfers. They save money in a 401k and an IRA only to get to retirement and not be able to retire. Well, this story is very similar to my own parents’ life as I am sure it is similar to you or loved ones around you.

I watched my dad work extremely hard his whole life. He had good jobs and promotions, too. He and my mom were great parents, they did everything they were told to do: work hard and save money. Now that they are close to retiring, they can’t! They have to keep working longer than they ever thought they would need to.

I want a better life than that. Watching them first hand, seeing the world how it is, I knew that I had to do something different. I began reading books and doing research. I thought that staying debt free was the trick. I worked on that only to discover, while not a bad thought, it wouldn’t lead to the life I wanted.

You know what life I am talking about, that life that provides true financial freedom. My life of financial freedom would allow me to do something meaningful for a career. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want freedom to be able to fly to Brazil and help build better homes for those that don’t have the resources. I want to be able to drive down to Houston or another hurricane destroyed zone and help clean up and get people back on their feet. I want to be able to help my family out like buy my brother a laptop when his old one crashed or help my parents get out of debt. I want to be able to provide my family a path to succeed in life. I want to travel and experience the world that we live in. Of course it is nice to have the finer things in life, my sister didn’t call me Bruce Wayne growing up for nothing. I do enjoy some nice things, but I have also looked out for others, which has given me the nickname Batman from my family and friends.

Money can buy a lot more than nice things. Money can “buy” time, money can “buy” freedom. Is money the root of all evil? Yeah, if you are someone that would do evil things with it, but it can be the root of so many good things as well. That is the life that I want. I want to be able to help wherever, be available whenever, and make a difference in some people’s lives along the way. I realized a few years ago that wasn’t going to happen if I continued to simply work hard and save.

In walked Matt Justice in a hotel meeting room to teach 30–40 people about the life of trading. He taught what trading provided for him in his life and also what it could do for the rest of us. It has been a little over a year since then and I have sacrificed time, sleep, music, TV shows, and maybe some dinners among other things to build my trading business. It has been well worth it. I now have the opportunity to tell my story and talk about my journey.

You have found the right community to help get you on the path to your financial freedom. Don’t miss out on what could be an opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity that can actually change your life and the life of your loved ones.

Originally published at tackletrading.com on February 22, 2019.



Tackle Trading
Tackle Trading

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