When a GDP Needs Recycling ♻ | Tackle Trading
≈ But not the headlines. ≈
Recycling rates have been steadily improving. It is estimated that about one-third of the waste created in the United States is now recycled. These trends are likely to keep improving as is anyone really “anti-recycling?” No, your neighbor throwing out their plastic in the regular garbage does not make them anti-recycling… it just makes them lazy.
And a hearty gut gemacht to Germany who boasts a recycling rate of over 60%. Now Germany, could you kindly look into fixing your declining GDP growth rate? The bulls in this market want to run and your economy sinking to near recessionary levels is making bulls a little nervous. Vielen Dank.
Do you know who else likes to recycle? The mainstream financial media. For what seems like the 200th time in the last six weeks (ignore the math) mainstream financial media outlets blasted the headline on Friday:
“Markets up on Trade Optimism”
I guess “markets up because this market is driven by Fed policy and also have a bullish bias today” has too many characters. What market headline are they going to recycle once the trade war is over? Hopefully, the Brexit mess is still going on:
“Markets up on Brexit Optimism”
Only one additional character. Nice.
Chart of the Day: I’ve got to break through
Here we are again. Resistance is a real thing and we ended last week’s bullish run coming off a pullback to close right at the resistance zone. This market sure feels like it wants to break through… will this be the week or will resistance hold again?
Video of the day: What is Initial Public Offering
An Initial Public Offering — known as IPO — is the process by which a private company goes public by selling its stock shares to the general public for the very first time. It is also called “going public”.
Originally published at tackletrading.com on March 18, 2019.