What guitar players taught me about investing 🎸 | Tackle Trading
≈ Oh, by the way, which one’s Pink? ≈
You are a guitar player. Your all-time idol is David Gilmour. Through the years you’ve collected all his records, both from Pink Floyd and his solo career. You’ve learned everything you could about his gig rig. You’ve bought a nice Fender Stratocaster and tried as much as possible to replicate the sound of his guitars. You’ve scrutinized and practiced his licks until your fingers bled. You even got your tickets ready to go to Christie’s London to see his guitar collection. You are feeling sick for not having the funds to purchase the legendary Black Strat.
As much as you (and everyone else) have dedicated time and effort to sound like him, why are you still not the next David Gilmour?
Because his guitar is an extension of himself. The sound he gets from it, the groove, the feeling, the touch, the right bending of the strings, the way he approaches the instrument to get that sound we all love can only come from him and no one else. He hears the sounds in his head and uses the instrument to translate them to the physical world. The perfect translation came from honing and mastering the craft through the years.
You are a drummer. Try to sound like Neil Peart.
You are a saxophonist.
Try to sound like John Coltrane.
You are an investor. Try to be Warren Buffett.
You get the point. Grabbing Buffett’s SEC filings and mirroring it won’t make you the next Warren Buffett.
Your portfolio should be an extension of yourself. Learn, hone and master the craft so you can translate what’s in your head to the physical world.
Chart of the Day: Buffett’s Portfolio
Nothing is more scrutinized than Buffett’s portfolio. Not even the Kardashians. If you want to check Berkshire’s latest SEC filings and scrutinize his portfolio yourself, feel free to see it here.
Video of the day: What is An Investment Portfolio
An investment portfolio is a collection of your investments including Stocks, Bonds, Cash, Real State, Metals, between other assets.
Originally published at tackletrading.com on April 4, 2019.