Tackle Today: Find Something To Move The Needle | Tackle Trading

Tackle Trading
6 min readJan 15, 2021


This goes for anything you want to accomplish, whether for trading, your job, fitness goals, you need to have something to get you out of bed for. You must have something that moves the needle of excitement and its important that you manufacture something into your everyday life. I’ve been a big believer in that ever since college and let me explain why.

I get up anywhere between 3–4:30am every day to start my day to either workout for myself or working with clients, now I’m not saying you need go out and do that. That’s crazy for a lot of people to imagine being up at the time to “start the day” when most night owls are winding down then. That isn’t the only way, but what if you got up and did those things that you keep putting off? A few examples probably sound like this, “My basement has been a mess for years now, what if I took the next month to make this thing look legit?” Maybe its towards something your passionate about like restoring the exterior paint of your car that you love or taking the time to actually go over the trades you placed over the last month and journalize in detail the positions you took. Something you haven’t made the time for because you got caught up in the day to day. What are you going to find to move that needle for you?!

So, let us talk about daily goals to make things happen. It can be as simple as writing down your daily routine for what to be prepared for in the markets every day or going out for a walk daily, whatever it is, the absolute bottom line is moving and consuming something of quality or positive content should be a part of your daily goals, non-negotiable. For me it may be practicing Olympic weightlifting with an empty barbell just to focus on technique, I like to listen to podcasts and watch inspirational videos via Instagram that are helpful for my craft, my mental focus and believe it or not…even something to humor me to put me in a positive state. My priority is to consume information that will make me feel better, not worse and that part is essential when it’s so easy in todays technological world that does the opposite. My personal challenge to all of you out there is to consume something that makes you feel better on a consistent basis and you let me know what happens! Your goal can be I want to drop 15 pounds by March, I am going to read one chapter a day of this new personal development book I just bought, I’m going to post something every day on my social media count to help my online business, I will continue helping people in the community every day.

This is will probably be a new way of operating for some of you out there, but when you can wake up and you have something other than news, 99 problems and unfortunate situations in front of you, things by default, I am telling you, will change. What will happen when you get enthusiastic for something that you genuinely enjoy doing? Why not make those things a part of your excitement for the day? For a lot of you out there throughout this pandemic, you may have changed jobs or probably work remotely now. So, something that may have been previously out of reach may now be possible to take care of. If you find yourself working hours on a side project you have been scared to start or been putting off, you might be onto something and that is a goal in it of itself.

Do not be scared to push yourself and write some of these goals or daily actions on a piece of paper and hang it on a fridge or anywhere you can see it. I once heard someone who I admire say “out of sight, out of mind”. If it is in plain sight, you could see if you met the expectations for the day, it has to be in front of you!

Chart of the Day

SPX Index

The S&P has decided to cool off the last few days after a strong breakout the following week. We find ourselves tracing over the 9ema that is potentially setting up for another run up to the upside upon confirmation going into next week where earnings season begins to heat up!

Video of the Day

Art Williams Just Do It Speech

Listen to Art Williams inspiration speech about how to Go Go Go!!!

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Originally published at https://tackletrading.com on January 15, 2021.



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Tackle Trading

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