Tackle Today: Down & Dirty | Tackle Trading

Tackle Trading
2 min readApr 9, 2019


≈ How successful traders and investors are born? ≈

“I hate reality but it’s still the best place to get a good steak.”

– Woody Allen

The world is a harsh place to live in. Nature is constantly trying to kill us all and she will succeed in the end, mind you. Compensating for all the hassle, at least we can get a good steak.

By exercising the full potential of the being, humans materialize things. We have this innate ability to make tangible things that once were intangible; visible from the invisible.

We’ve then created the financial markets Nature’s image. Savage. Down and dirty. A place where creatures from the abyss are bred and meteorites from the sky abound.

That is why we won’t bother you with philosophy. We will give you the steaks you deserve.

“The Holy Trinity of Trading Part III: Risk-Reward Ratio” is out for you to read online or download as a (gorgeous) PDF. Here are the steaks:

  • Read it online HERE.
  • Download the (wonderful) PDF HERE.
  • Don’t wanna miss future editions? Sign up for the Trading Justice newsletter HERE.

. . .

“How successful traders and investors are born?”

We do hope we’ve helped you find your own answer.

Chart of the Day: R:R vs. POP

The infographic above depicts how POP can bend the R:R perception. In scenario #1 there is hell. Scenario #2 shows us the mythical Turtles system. Scenario #3 shows us a typical Iron Condor trade. Scenario #4 is the Empyrean, the highest Heaven, the place where Dante meets Beatrice in Canto XXX.

  • Read it online HERE.
  • Download the (wonderful) PDF HERE.
  • Don’t wanna miss future editions? Sign up for the Trading Justice newsletter HERE.

Video of the day: How to Use Options to Grow a Portfolio

In this clip from the Cash Flow Club, TC (Tyler Craig) teaches how to build your portfolio with options.

Originally published at tackletrading.com on April 9, 2019.



Tackle Trading
Tackle Trading

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