Just click buttons and make money? 🎰 | Tackle Trading
≈ Oh, so you are a trader! How cool is that! ≈
open the laptop.
news, read.
opinions, avoid.
journal, open, check, add rows, calculate.
loss. continue.
open platform.
green light.
ears ringing.
make coffee.
play video. learn.
read reports. learn.
fingers sweating, winter is over.
get some water. glance at the horizon.
markets. read. interpret.
future. opaque.
open email.
read. delete. bored. read again.
nice read.
open journal again, check.
bid, sell, check, TILILLONN.
position, enter.
check history, credit.
prepare exit, done.
check rules. in place.
inbox, more email. read. discard.
scan. candidates needed.
check calendar.
twitter. elon, miss you.
powell, theresa, trade war. read more.
the world is a mess. better trade instead.
emerging markets. more like drowning.
politics. discard.
make coffee.
pick up daughter. happy to see her.
notification. trigger.
show. watch. have fun. learn.
candidates needed. dinner today.
scan. found.
run numbers. good.
others. next week.
trade. ask, buy, check. TILILLON.
open journal, position. check.
prepare exit. rules.
Tackle calendar. Events of the day.
zoom link. room is opened. learn.
new information. take note.
question. answer.
time to go. dinner with friends.
arrived. order. phone notification.
triggered. in. long.
journal. when I get home. take note.
pause. wine. breathe.
“Oh, so you are a trader! How cool is that! So you just click buttons and make money? Sounds pretty easy.”
ponder: punch or leave.
wine kicks in. chopra kicks in. answer. zen.
moronic conversation. bored. enough.
markets closed. me closed.
pay. leave.
hit the hay.
Houston. over.
Chart of the Day: S&P 500 E-mini Futures
Don’t say no, go with the flow. Professional traders don’t discuss why things happen, they just trade trend and volume and protect themselves against their own convictions. As pointed out by Coach Mark yesterday, “Do you know who else likes to recycle? The mainstream financial media.”. They keep doing the same thing over and over again, trying to find reasonable explanations on why the markets are down or up. Now the S&P 500 broke the resistance. We trade the breakout, they come with lame excuses.
Video of the day: What is Day Trading
Day Trading refers to the buying and selling of financial instruments (stocks, ETFs, options contracts, futures contracts, currencies) within the same trading day.
Originally published at tackletrading.com on March 19, 2019.